Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How many times have You heard me cry out?

Have I said lately that my family is wonderful?  Not just my blood family, but my church family too.  If it wasn't for all the people praying for Ben and I for God to carry us and take care of us I'm not sure where we would be right now.  It's not something I want to think about.  It still amazes me how people from all over can and will come together when others are in need.  People from NC, VA, even England were praying.  Family, friends and people who I will never get a chance to meet and to say thank you to where praying.  Thank you, thank you.

While I was in the hospital God gave me a vision.  I was by myself praying and crying.  I begged God to give me my little girl, to let me see her again.  To be able to touch her and hold her.  Everything turned white, and not just white but a blinding white.  I saw God walking towards me and in His arms was Chatelle.  She was beautiful.  My baby girl was reaching out to me, she knew who I was.  And then I heard Him.  He said to me "I have her.  She's in my arms now.  She's safe".  Then she was gone.  God had given me what I asked.  He had let me see her again and He gave me the assurance that she was with Him and in His arms.  You may think I'm crazy, but I'm not.  God gave me the vision.

My whole family came together when we lost Chatelle.  My sister Melissa, came down and stayed two weeks for me.  My other sisters, Angel and Jessica, came over all the time.  Friends from church came over. My cousin Katie gave us a beautiful Cherry Blossom tree in remembrance of Chatelle.  My wonderful husband, Ben, thinks I'm crazy but I named the tree Elle.  Mammy and Pappy made a garden around Elle with beautiful flowers.  My mother-in-law and sister-in-law gave me a beautiful necklace with charms in it in remembrance of Chatelle.  There is more but I can't think of them all right now.  I want to say thank you to everyone.  I hope you all know how much I love you and have been so blessed to be around you all.

I've had time to think about reasons why God planned for this to happen.  I've realized that He did answer our prayers, just not the way we wanted them answered.  If Chatelle had lived her quality of life would have been zero.  The brain damage that she would have had, she wouldn't have been able to do anything.  God answered our prayers when we asked for her to live.  She's living in Heaven now, where angels sing, where she has family.  The streets are made of gold and the rivers look like glass.  God is carrying her around in His wonderful loving arms.  What better place to be if she can't be in my arms.

This has also opened my eyes to just how precious life really is.  I know we're not promised tomorrow, but this has really hit home for me.  I try not to take my little boy for granted anymore, thinking that he's going to be here until I'm gone.  Life is so precious.  Someone told me this a while back.  Our children are not ours, they are Gods.  God lets us borrow them so we can teach them and guide them down the right path.  And when God is done with us (cause we are all Gods children) He takes us home.  If you are sitting here, breathing and reading this then God is not done with you.  Please remember and know that there is a purpose for all the things that we go through.  We might not ever understand, and we might not ever heal from a loss, but God still has a purpose for you.

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